Monday, February 23, 2015

Evolution of 3GPP Standards

Evolution of 3GPP Standards

The specifications of GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, and LTE have been developed in stages,
known as 3GPP releases. Operators, network, and device vendors use these releases as part of
their development roadmap. All 3GPP releases are backward compatible. This means that a
device supporting one of the earlier releases of 3GPP technologies can still work on a newer
release deployed in the network.
The availability of devices on a more advanced 3GPP release makes a great contribution
to the choice of evolution by the operator. Collaboration between network operators, network
vendors, and chipset providers is an important step in defining the roadmap and evolution of
3GPP features and releases. This has been the case in many markets.

3GPP Release 99
3GPP Release 99 has introduced UMTS, as well as the EDGE enhancement to GPRS. UMTS
contains all features needed to meet the IMT-2000 requirements as defined by the ITU. It is
able to support CS voice and video services, as well as PS (packet switched) data services over
common and dedicated channels. The theoretical data rate of UMTS in this release is 2 Mbps.
The practical uplink and downlink data rates for UMTS in deployed networks have been 64,
128, and 384 kbps.

3GPP Release 4
Release 4 includes enhancements to the CN. The concept of all-IP networks has been introduced
in this release. There has not been any significant change added to the user equipment
(UE) or air interface in this release.

3GPP Release 5
Release 5 is the first major addition to the UMTS air interface. It adds HSDPA (high speed
downlink packet access) to improve capacity and spectral efficiency. The goal of HSDPA in
the 3GPP roadmap was to improve the end-user experience and to keep up with the evolution
taking place in non-3GPP technologies. During the time when HSDPA was being developed,
the increasing interest in mobile-based services demanded a significant improvement in the air
interface of the UMTS system.
HSDPA improves the downlink speeds from 384 kbps to a maximum theoretical 14.4Mbps.
The typical rates in the Release 5 networks and devices are 3.6 and 7.2Mbps. The uplink in
Release 5 has preserved the capabilities of Release 99.
HSDPA provides the following main features which hold as the fundamentals of all subsequent
3GPP evolutions:
• Adaptive modulation – In addition to the original UMTS modulation scheme, QPSK
(quadrature phase shift keying), Release 5 also includes support for 16-QAM (quadrature
amplitude modulation).
• Flexible coding – Based on fast feedback from the mobile in the form of a CQI (channel
quality indicator), the UMTS base station (known as NodeB) is able to modify the
effective coding rate and thus increase system efficiency. In Release 99, such adaptive data
rate scheduling took place at the RNC (radio network controller) which impacted the cell
capacity and edge of cell data rates.
• Fast scheduling – HSDPA includes a shorter TTI (time transmission interval) of 2 ms,
which enables the NodeB scheduler to quickly and efficiently allocate resources to mobiles.
In Release 99 the minimum TTI was 10ms, adding more latency to the packets being transmitted
over the air.
• HARQ (hybrid automatic repeat request) – If a packet does not get through to the UE
successfully, the system employs HARQ. This improves the retransmission timing, thus
requiring less reliance on the RNC. In Release 99, the packet re-transmission was mainly
controlled by the physical (PHY) layer as well as the RNC’s ARQ (automatic repeat request)
algorithm, which was slower in adapting to the radio conditions.

3GPP Release 6
Release 6 adds various features, with HSUPA (high speed uplink packet data) being the key
one. HSUPA also goes under the term “enhanced uplink, EUL”. The term HSPA (high speed
packet access) is normally used to describe a Release 6 network since an HSUPA call requires
HSDPA on the downlink.
The downlink of Release 6 remained the same as in HSDPA of Release 5. The uplink data
rate of the HSUPA system can go up to 5.76 Mbps with 2ms TTI used in the network and
devices. The practical uplink data rates deployed are 1.4 and 2Mbps. It is worth noting that
there is a dependence between the downlink and uplink data rates. Even if the user is only
downloading data at a high speed, the uplink needs to cope with the packet acknowledgments
at the same high speed. Therefore any data rate evolution in the downlink needs to have an
evolved uplink as well.
HSUPA, like HSDPA, adds functionalities to improve packet data which include:
• Flexible coding – HSUPA has the ability to dynamically change the coding and therefore
improves the efficiency of the system.
• Fast power scheduling – A key fact of HSUPA is that it provides a method to schedule the
power to different mobiles. This scheduling can use either a 2 or 10 ms TTI. 2 ms usually
reveals a challenge on the uplink interference and coverage when compared to 10 ms TTI
operation. Hence, a switch between the two TTI is possible within the same EUL data call.
• HARQ – Like HSDPA, HSUPA also utilizes HARQ concepts in lower layers. The main
difference is the timing relationship for the retransmission and the synchronized HARQ

3GPP Release 7
Themain addition to this release isHSPA+, also known as evolved HSPA. During the commercialization
of HSPA, LTE system development has been started, promising a more enhanced
bandwidth and system capacity. Evolution of the HSPA system was important to keep up with
any competitor technologies and prolong the lifetime of UMTS systems.
HSPA+ provides various enhancements to improve PS data delivery. The features in HSPA+
have been introduced as add-ons. The operators typically evaluate the best options of HSPA+
features for deployment interests, based on the traffic increase requirements, flexibility, and
the cost associated for the return of investment. HSPA+ in Release 7 includes:
• 64QAM – This is added to the downlink and enables HSPA+to operate at a theoretical rate of 21.6Mbps.
• 16 QAM – This is added to the uplink and enables the uplink to theoretically achieve 11.76 Mbps.
• MIMO(multiple input multiple output) operation – This offers various capacity benefits
including the ability to reach a theoretical 28.8Mbps data rate in the downlink.
• Power and battery enhancements – Various enhancements such as CPC (continuous
packet connectivity) have been included. CPC enables DTX (discontinuous transmission)
and DRX (discontinuous reception) functions in connected mode.
• Less data packet overhead – The downlink includes an enhancement to the lower layers
in the protocol stack. This effectively means that fewer headers are required, and in turn,
improves the system efficiency.

3GPP Release 8
On the HSPA+ side, Release 8 has continued to improve the system efficiency and data rates
by providing:
• MIMO with 64 QAM modulation – It enables the combination of 64 QAM and MIMO,
thus reaching a theoretical rate of 42 Mbps, that is, 2 × 21.6Mbps.
• Dual cell operation – DC-HSDPA (dual cell high speed downlink packet access) is a feature
which is further enhanced in Releases 9 and 10. It enables a mobile to effectively utilize
two 5MHz UMTS carriers. Assuming both are using 64 QAM (21.6Mbps), the theoretical
data rate is 42Mbps. DC-HSDPA has gained the primary interest over other Release 8
features, and most networks are currently either supporting it or in the deployment stage.
• Further power and battery enhancements – deploys a feature known as enhanced fast
dormancy as well as enhanced RRC state transitions.
The 3GPP Release 8 defines the first standardization of the LTE specifications. The evolved
packet system (EPS) is defined, mandating the key features and components of both the radio
access network (E-UTRAN, evolved universal terrestrial radio access network) and the CN
(evolved packet core, EPC). Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is defined as the air
interface with the ability to support multi-layer data streams using MIMO antenna systems to
increase spectral efficiency.
LTE is defined as an all-IP network topology differentiated over the legacy CS domain.
However, the Release 8 specification makes use of the CS domain to maintain compatibility
with the 2G and 3G systems utilizing the voice calls circuit switch Fallback (CSFB) technique
for any of those systems.
LTE in Release 8 has a theoretical data rate of 300 Mbps. The most common deployment is
100 to 150 Mbps with a full usage of the bandwidth, 20MHz. Several other variants are also
deployed in less bandwidth and hence with lower data rates. The bandwidth allocation is tied
to the amount of spectrum acquired by the LTE network operators in every country.
The motivations and different options discussed in 3GPP for the EPS network architecture
have been detailed in several standardized technical reports in [1–4].

3GPP Release 9 and Beyond
Even though LTE is a Release 8 system, it is further enhanced in Release 9. There are a number
of features in Release 9. One of themost important is the support of additional frequency bands
and additional enhancements to CSFB voice calls from LTE.
On the HSPA+ side, Release 9 and beyond continued to build on the top of previous
HSPA+ enhancements by introducing DC-HSUPA, MIMO+DC-HSDPA, and multi-carrier
high speed downlink packet access (MC-HSDPA). The downlink of HSPA+ in this release is
expected to reach 84 Mbps, while the uplink can reach up to 42 Mbps.
Release 10 includes the standardization of LTE Advanced, the 3GPP’s 4G offering. It
includes modification to the LTE system to facilitate 4G services. The requirements of ITU
are to develop a system with increased data rates up to 1Gbps in the downlink and 500 Mbps
in the uplink. Other requirements of ITU’s 4G are worldwide roaming and compatibility of
services. LTE-Advanced is now seeing more interest, especially from the operators who have
already deployed LTE in early stages.
As discussed in this 3GPP evolution, the 4G system is designed to refer to LTE-Advanced.
However, since UMTS has been widely used as a 3G system, investing in and building up an
ecosystem for an LTE network using the same “3G” term would have been misinterpreted.
Hence, regulators in most countries have allowed the mobile operators to use the term “4G”
when referring to LTE. This book considers the term 4G when referring to an LTE system,
especially for the concepts that are still common between LTE and LTE-Advanced.
This chapter describes the overall architecture of an LTE CN, radio access protocols, and
air interface procedures. This chapter and the upcoming parts of the book focus on Release 8
and 9 of the 3GPP specifications. The last chapter of the book gives an overview of the features
beyond Release 9.


Additional Release :
Release 8 - LTE Introduced  
Release frozen in Dec 2008 
It was 3GPP release 8 when LTE was introduced for the very first time.  All the releases following only enhanced the technology.
Based on release 8 standardization, following were the main achievements
  • High peak data rates : Up to 300 Mbps in downlink and 75 Mbps in uplink when using 4x4 MIMO and 20 MHz bandwidth
  • High spectral efficiency 
  • Flexible bandwidths: 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz and 20 MHz
  • Short round trip time: 5 ms latency for IP packets in ideal radio conditions
  • Simplified Architecture
  • OFDMA in downlink and SC-FDMA in uplink
  • All IP network 
  • MIMO multiple antenna scheme
  • Operation in paired (FDD) and unpaired spectrum (TDD)
Release 9 - Enhancement to LTE
Release frozen in Dec 2009
The initial enhancements were included to LTE in release 9. These were in fact the improvements which were left behind from release 8 or perhaps provided some minor improvements. These improvements are listed below with brief description
PWS (Public Warning System): Public should always receive timely and accurate alerts related to natural disasters or other critical situations. Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) was introduced in release 9 in addition to ETWS introduced in release 8
Femto Cell: Femto cell is basically a small cell used in offices or homes and connected to providers’ networks through landline broadband connection. 3G Femto cells are deployed around world and in order for LTE users to take advantage of femto cell, new requirements were added to release 9

MIMO Beam forming:
 Beamforming is used to increase cell edge throughput by directing beam towards specific UE by position estimation at eNB. In release 8, LTE supported single layer beam forming based on user-specific Reference Symbols. In release 9, single layer beam forming has been extended to multilayer beam forming
Self Organizing Networks (SON): SON means self installation, optimization and healing of networks in order to reduce manual work and cost associated with technical support. The idea of SON was introduced in release 8 though the focus was more towards eNBs self configuration where as in release 9, requirements for self optimization were also added
eMBMS: With  Multimedia broadcast Multicast Services (MBMS), operators have capability to broadcast services over LTE network. The idea is not novel to the LTE and  has been used in legacy networks as well but for LTE, the MBMS channel has evolved from data rate and capacity perspective. The MBMS was already defined at physical layer in release8 but with release 9, higher layer and network layer aspects were completed
LTE Positioning: Three position methods are specified in LTE release 9 i.e. Assisted GPS (A-GPS), Observed Time difference of arrival (OTDOA) and Enhanced Cell ID (E-CID). The goal is to improve the accuracy of user locations in case of emergency scenarios where the user itself is unable to disclose his whereabouts

Release 10 - LTE  Advanced

Release Frozen in March 2011

THE LTE-Advanced specifications in release 10 includes significant features and improvements to fulfil ITU IMT-Advanced requirements which sets higher speeds than what UE can achieve from 3GPP release 8 specifications. Some key requirements laid down by IMT-Advanced are as below

- 1 Gbps DL / 500 Mbps UL throughput

- High spectral efficiency

- Worldwide roaming

Following are some significant improvements in release 10

Enhanced Uplink multiple access: Release 10 introduces clustered SC-FDMA in uplink. Release 8 SC-FDMA only allowed carriers along contiguous block of spectrum but LTE-Advanced in release 10 allows frequency-selective scheduling in uplink

MIMO enhancements: LTE-Advanced allows upto 8x8 MIMO in downlink and on the UE side it allows 4X4 in uplink direction

Relay Nodes: In order to decrease coverage loop holes, Relay nodes are one of the features proposed in release 10. The relay nodes or low power enbs extending the coverage of main eNB in low coverage environment. The relay nodes are connected to Donor eNB (DeNB) through Un interface. 

enhanced inter-cell interference coordination (eICIC): 
eICIC introduced in 3GPP release 10 to deal with interference issues in Heterogeneous Networks (HetNet). eICIC mitigates interference on traffic and control channels. eICIC uses power, frequency and also time domain to mitigate intra-frequency interference in heterogeneous networks

Carrier Aggregatio(CA): CA introduced in release 10 is a cost effective way for operators to utilize their fragmented spectrum spread across different or same bands in order to improve end user throughput as required by IMT-Advanced. User throughput is increased by sending data simultaneously over two or more carriers. LTE-Advanced supports bandwidths up to 100 MHz formed by combining up to five 20MHz component carriers. Contiguous and non-contiguous carriers may be aggregated

Support for Heterogeneous Networks: The combination of large macro cells with small cells results in heterogeneous networks. Release 10 intended to layout the detail specification for heterogeneous networks

SON Improvements: Release 10 provides enhancements to SON features introduced in release 10 which also considers self healing procedures

Release 11 - Enhancement to LTE Advanced

Release Frozen in september 2012

Release 11 includes enhancements to LTE Advanced features standardized in release 10. Some of the important enhancements are listed below 

Carrier Aggregation enhancements: Following are the major enhancements to carrier aggregation in release 11

- Multiple timing advances (TAs) for uplink carrier aggregation

- Non contiguous intra band carrier aggregation

- physical layer changes for carrier aggregation support in TDD LTE

Coordinated multipoint transmission and reception (CoMP): With CoMP the transmitter can share data load even if they are not collocated. Though they are connected by high speed fiber link

ePDCCH: New enhanced PDCCH introduced in 3GPP release 11 to increase control channel capacity. ePDCCH uses PDSCH resources for transmitting control information unlike release 8 PDCCH which can only use control region of subframes

Network based Positioning: In release 11, support for uplink positioning is added by utilizing Sounding reference signals for time difference measurements taken by many eNBs. 

Minimization of drive test (MDT): Drive tests are always expensive. To decrease dependency on drive tests, new solutions introduced which are independent of SON though much related. MDT basically relies on information provided by UE

Ran overload control for Machine type communication: For machine type devices new mechanism has been specified in release 11 where network in case of mass communication from devices can bar some devices to send connection request to network

In Device Co Existence: Now a days, all mobile devices would usually carry multi radio transceivers like for LTE, 3G, Bluetooth, WLAN etc. Now this co existence results in interference. To mitigate this interference, release 11 has specified solutions as mentioned below

- DRX based time domain solutions

- Frequency domain solutions

- UE autonomous denials 

Smartphone Battery saving technique: Many applications on smartphones generate background traffic which consumes battery power. Release 11 specifies a method where UE can inform network whether it needs to be operated in battery saving mode or normal mode and based on UE request network can modify DRX parameters

Release 12 - Further enhancement to LTE Advanced

Release Frozen in June 2014

Small cells enhancements: Small cells were supported since beginning with features like ICIC and eICIC in release 10. Release 12 introduces optimization and enhancements for small cells including deployments in dense areas. Dual connectivity i.e. inter-site carrier aggregation between macro and small cells is also a focus area

Carrier aggregation enhancements: Release 12 now allows carrier aggregation between co-located TDD and FDD carriers. In addition to carrier aggregation between TDD and FDD, there is also now three carrier aggregations possible for total of 60 Mhz spectrum aggregated

Machine Type communication (MTC): Huge growth is expected in machine type communication in coming years which can result in tremendous network signaling, capacity issues. To cope with this, new UE category is defined for optimized MTC operations

Wifi integration with LTE: With integration between LTE and Wifi, operators will have more control on managing WiFi sessions. In release 12, the intent is to specify mechanism for steering traffic and network selection between LTE and WiFI 

LTE in unlicensed spectrum: An LTE operation in unlicensed spectrum is one of the study items in release 12. Operations in Bandwidth rich unlicensed spectrum brings many benefits to operators like increase in network capacity, load and performance

Release 13 - Meeting the growing throughput demand

Ongoing - Expected freezing in  Dec 2015

Carrier aggregation enhancements: The goal in release 13 is to support carrier aggregation of upto 32 CC (component carriers) where as in release 10, the carrier aggregation was introduced with support of only upto 5 CC.

enhancements for Machine-Type communication (MTC): Continuing from release 12, there are further enhancements in MTC, a new low complexity UE category is being defined to provide support for reduced bandwidth, power and support long battery life. 

LTE in unlicensed enhancements: The focus in release 13 is the aggregation of primary cell from licensed spectrum with secondary cell from unlicensed spectrum to meet the growing traffic demand

Indoor Positioning: In release 13 there is work going on improving existing methods of indoor positioning and also exploring new positioning methods to improve indoor accuracy

Enhanced multi-user transmission techniques: Release 13 also covers potential enhancements for downink multiuser transmission using superposition coding

MIMO enhancements: Upto 8 antenna MIMO systems are currently supported, the new study in this release will look into high-order MIMO systems with up to 64 antenna ports

Sumber :

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