Sunday, March 1, 2015

Abbreviations and Acronyms

16-QAM  16-Quadrature amplitude modulation
64-QAM 64-Quadrature amplitude modulation
1G, 2G, 3G or 4G 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation
3GPP Third generation partnership project
3GPP2 Third generation partnership project 2
AAA Authentication, authorization and accounting
ACK Acknowledgment
AES Advanced encryption standard
AF Application Function
AIPN All-IP network
AMBR Aggregate maximum bit rate
AMC Adaptive modulation and coding
AMD Acknowledged mode data
AN Access network
APN Access point name
ARP Allocation and retention priority
ARQ Automatic repeat request
AS Access stratum
BC Business Case
BCCH Broadcast control channel
BCH Broadcast channel
BI Backoff indicator
BLER Block error rate
BP Bandwidth part
BSR Buffer status report
BW Bandwidth
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CCCH Common control channel
CCE Control channel elements
CDD Cyclic delay diversity
CDM Code Division Multiplexed
CDMA Code division multiple access
CDS Channel dependent scheduling
CFI Control format indicator
CN Core network
COGS Cost of Goods Sold
CP Control plane
Cyclic prefix
CQI Channel quality indicator
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CRF Charging Rules Function
C-RNTI Cell radio network temporary identifier
CS Circuit switched
CSG Closed subscriber group
CSI Channel signal information
CW Code word
DAS Distributed Antenna System
DCCH Dedicated control channel
DCI Downlink control information
DFT Discrete Fourier transform
DFTS-OFDM Discrete Fourier transform spread orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
DL Downlink
DL-SCH Downlink shared channel
DM Demodulation
DM-RS Demodulation reference signal
DNS Domain Name System
DRX Discontinuous transmission
DS Data services
DTCH Dedicated traffic channel
E-AGCH Enhanced absolute granting channel
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
E-DCH Enhanced dedicated channel
E-DPCCH Enhanced dedicated physical control channel
E-DPDCH Enhanced dedicated physical data channel
E-HICH Enhanced hybrid indicator channel
EEA EPS encryption algorithm
EIA EPS integrity algorithm
EIR Equipment Identity register
EMM EPS mobility management
eNB Evolved node B
EPC Evolved packet core
EPLMN Equivalent PLMN
EPRE Energy per resource element
EPS Evolved packet system
E-RGCH Enhanced relative granting channel
ESM EPS session management
ESP Encapsulated security protocol
ETWS Earthquake and tsunami warning system
E-UTRA Evolved UMTS terrestrial radio access; PHY aspects
E-UTRAN Evolved UMTS terrestrial radio access network; MAC/L2/L3 aspects
FD Full-duplex
FDD Frequency division duplex
FDM Frequency division multiplexing
FDMA Frequency division multiple access
FFT Fast Fourier transform
FH Frequency hopping
FI Framing information
FL Forward link
FMS First missing sequence
FS Frame structure
FSTD Frequency shift time diversity
GBR Guaranteed bit rate
GERAN GSM/EDGE radio access network
GGSN GPRS gateway support node
GPRS General packet radio service
GSM Global system for mobiles (European standard)
GTP-U GPRS tunneling protocol – user
GUMMEI Globally unique MME identity
GUTI Globally unique temporary identifier
GW Gateway
HA Home agent
HAP ID HARQ process ID
HD Half-duplex
HFN Hyper frame number
HI Hybrid ARQ indicator
HLD High Level Design
HLR Home location register
HNBID Home evolved node B identifier
HO Handover
HPLMN Home public land mobile network
HRPD High rate packet data
HS High speed
HSDPA High speed downlink packet access
HS-DPCCH High speed dedicated control channel
HSPA High speed packet access
HSPA+ High speed packet access evolved or enhanced
HSS Home subscriber service
HSUPA High speed uplink packet access
IDFT Inverse discrete Fourier transform
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IFFT Inverse fast Fourier transform
IMS IP Multimedia subsystem
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IP Internet protocol
IP-CAN IP connectivity access network
ISI Inter-symbol interference
ISR Idle signaling load reduction
IRR Internal Rate of Return
L1, L2, L3 Layer 1, 2, 3
LA Location area
LAC Location area code
LAI Location area identifier
LAU Location area updating
LCG Logical channel group
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access
LFDM Localized frequency division multiplexing
LI Lawful Interception
LI Length indicators
LTE Long term evolution
LTI Linear time invariant
MAC Medium access control
MAC-I Message authentication code for integrity
MBMS Multimedia broadcast multicast service
MBR Maximum bit rate
MBSFN Multimedia broadcast over a single frequency network
MCCH Multicast control channel
MCH Multicast channel
MCS Modulation and coding schemes
MCW Multiple code word
ME Mobile equipment
MIB Master information block
MIMO Multiple-input–multiple-output
MME Mobility management entity
MSISDN Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network-Number
MOS Mean Opinion Score
MTCH Multicast traffic channel
MU-MIMO Multi-user multiple-input–multiple-output
NAK Negative acknowledgment
NAS Non-access stratum
NDI New data indicator
NID Network ID
NPV Net Present Value
OCS Online Charging System
OFCS Offline Charging System
OFDM Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
OFDMA Orthogonal frequency division multiple access
OS Operating system
PAPR Peak-to-average power ratio
PAR Peak to average ratio
PBCH Physical broadcast channel
PCC Policy charging and control
PCCH Paging control channel
PCFICH Physical control format indicator channel
PCH Paging channel
PCRF Policy and charging rules function
PDCCH Physical downlink control channel
PDCP Packet data convergence protocol
PDG Packet data gateway
PDN Packet data network
PDSCH Physical downlink shared channel
PDSN Packet data serving node
PDU Protocol data unit
PELR Packet error loss rate
P-GW Packet data network gateway
PHICH Physical hybrid automatic repeat request indicator channel
PHR Power headroom report
PHY Physical layer
PIM Passive Intermodulation
PLMN Public land mobile network
PMCH Physical multicast channel
PMI Precoding matrix indicator
PMIP Proxy mobile IP
PoC Push-to-talk over cellular
PRACH Physical random access channel
PRB Physical resource block
PS Packet switched
PSC Primary synchronization code
P-SCH Primary synchronization channel
PSS Primary synchronization signal
PSTN Packet switched telephone network
PSVT Packet switched video telephony
PTT Push-to-talk
PUCCH Physical uplink control channel
PUSCH Physical uplink shared channel
QAM Quadrature amplitude modulation
QCI QoS class identifier
QoS Quality of service
QPSK Quadrature phase shift keying
RA Routing area
RAC Routing area code
RACH Random access channel
RAN Radio access network
RAPID Random access preamble identifier
RAR Random access response
RAU Routing area updating
RB Resource block
RBG Resource block group
RDS RMS delay spread
RE Resource element
REG Resource element group
RI Rank indicator
RIV Resource indication value
RL Reverse link
RLC Radio link control
RLF Radio link failure
RMS Root-mean-square
RN Relay Node
RNC Radio network controller
RNL Radio network layer
RNTI Radio network temporary identifier
ROHC Robust header compression
ROI Return On Investment
RPLMN Registered PLMN
RRC Radio resource control
RRM Radio resource management
RS Reference signal
RV Redundancy version
SAE System architecture evolution
SAW Stop-and-wait
SC-FDM Single-carrier frequency division multiplexing
SC-FDMA Single-carrier frequency division multiple access
SCH Supplemental channel (CDMA2000)
Synchronization channel (WCDMA)
SCTP Stream control transmission protocol
SCW Single code word
SDF Service data low
SDM Spatial division multiplexing
SDMA Spatial division multiple access
SDU Service data unit
SFBC Space frequency block code
SFN System frame number
SGSN Serving GPRS support node
S-GW Serving gateway
SI System information message
SIB System information block
SINR Signal to interference noise ratio
SM Session management Spatial multiplexing
SNR Signal to noise ratio
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SPOF Single Point of Failure
SPS Semi-persistent scheduling
SR Scheduling request
SRS Sounding reference signals
SSC Secondary synchronization code
S-SCH Secondary synchronization channel
SSS Secondary synchronization signal
SU-MIMO Single-user multiple-input–multiple-output
TA Tracking area
Timing advance/alignment
TAC Tracking area code
TAI (_List) Tracking area identifier (_List)
TAU Tracking area update
TDD Time division duplex
TDM Time division multiplexing
TDMA Time division multiple access
TFT Traffic flow template
TPC Transmit power control
TTI Transmission time interval
Tx Transmit
UCI Uplink control information
UE User equipment
UL Uplink
UL-SCH Uplink shared channel
UMTS Universal mobile telecommunications system
UP User plane
UTRA UMTS terrestrial radio access
UTRAN UMTS terrestrial radio access network
VAF Voice Activity Factor
VoIP Voice over Internet protocol
VoLTE Voice over LTE
VRB Virtual resource block
VT Video telephony
WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital
WCDMA Wideband code division multiple access
WiMAX Worldwide interoperability for microwave access
X2 The interface between eNodeBs
ZC Zadoff–Chu

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